Watchman Willie Martin Archive

�� Here is the whole thing, I can't find more than 1 and 2.

������� In Ezekiel 31:9 it says (in reference to the vast Assyrian

Empire) that �all the trees of Eden, that were in the Garden

of God, envied him' (KJV). Literal trees can't �envy'

anything. This Scripture is clearly showing us that the

�trees' spoken of here are merely figurative representations

of races and nations that envied the Assyrian Empire. In

Genesis 3:4‑7, we see that Satan (the �serpent') leads Eve

astray and she in turn leads Adam astray as well. But, was

the leading astray the simple eating of a literal piece of

fruit from the �Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?' The

answer to that question is no.

������� First of all, we see in Genesis 2:25 that ADAM AND EVE WERE

NOT ASHAMED OF THEIR NAKEDNESS. They obviously had the

perfect bodies that God had intended for them when they were

created. Now, notice after the Fall, in Genesis 3:7 & 10,

that Adam and Eve were suddenly ashamed of their bodies. Why

would you be ashamed of your body if all you had done was

eat a piece of fruit? Now, back in Genesis 3:3, Eve tells

Satan that neither she nor Adam can �touch' the �fruit' of

the �Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil' because if they do,

they'll die. The word �touch' here means �to lay hands upon,

to lie with.' See Strong's again.

������� Touch: Strong's: #5060 naga` (naw‑gah'); a primitive root;

properly, to touch, i.e. lay the hand upon (for any purpose;

euphem., TO LIE WITH A WOMAN); by implication, to reach

(figuratively, to arrive, acquire); violently, to strike

(punish, defeat, destroy, etc.): KJV ‑ beat, (X be able to)

bring (down), cast, come (nigh), draw near (nigh), get up,

happen, join, near, plague, reach (up), smite, strike,

touch. (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and

Concordance with Expanded Greek‑Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright

(c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators,


������� When you �lie' with someone in this capacity, it's

obviously sexual in nature. The words �eat' or �ate'

������� Eat: Strong's #398 �akal (aw‑kal'); a primitive root; to

eat (literally or figuratively): KJV ‑ X at all, burn up,

consume, devour (‑er, up), dine, eat (‑er, up), feed (with),

food, X freely, X in ... wise (‑deed, plenty), (LAY) meat, X

quite. (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and

Concordance with Expanded Greek‑Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright

(c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators,


when used in these passages do not mean the literal

consumption of food. The words �eat' or �ate' when used in

the first 15 verses of Genesis chapter three means �(lit. or

fig.) to consume, devour (partake).' Consult Strong's one

more time. When you partake in something, that means you are

engaging in an activity.

������� And Eve certainly did partake here! She engaged in sex with

Satan (the �serpent') who appeared to her in human form and

sexually seduced her. In Genesis 3:13, we read that Eve,

called in front of God to account for her misdeed said, �The

serpent beguiled me, and I did eat (partake)' (KJV). The

word �beguiled' here means to �morally seduce.' IT'S NOT A


������ Beguiled: Strong's #5377 nasha' (naw‑shaw'); a primitive

root; to lead astray, i.e. (mentally) to delude, or

(morally) TO SEDUCE: KJV ‑ beguile, deceive, X greatly, X

utterly. (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and

Concordance with Expanded Greek‑Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright

(c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators,


������� This further confirms that the grand sin that led to the

Fall in the Garden was sexual in nature. In Genesis 3:6 &

12, we see that Eve led Adam into this debauchery by coaxing

him into having sex with a member of one of the Pre‑Adamic

races. Genesis 3:15 then tells us that two literal,

biological seedlines are to come forth from Eve.

������ When studying the matter of the beast and the mark of the

beast in the Book of Revelation, we see that this curious

beast with the characteristics of the four different animals

was really a repetition of the series of beasts which Daniel

had seen and which, like Nebuchadnezzar's image, were

prophecies of four great world empires which would rule the

then known civilized world, one after the other.

������� The Book of Revelation looks further into the future than

Daniel did, because it points out something. Daniel's last

beast, you remember, was the Roman Empire which of course

was apparently finally broken up and came to its end. But

the Book of Revelation carries beyond that point and shows

us that the same forces which were operative in these four

successive empires, the same dominant Satanic leadership

which made them all of similar character, are operating even

into our own day.

������� It shows us, by its many references through here, to what

it calls Great Babylon, that the forces which made Babylon

the outstanding one of these ancient civilizations about it,

so far as a purely materialistic culture lacking all

spiritual values is concerned, Babylon had it to higher

degree than any of the others.

������ Nevertheless, because of this complete lack of any

spiritual understanding by the Judeo‑Christian clergy, it

was a Satanic organization. Long after the old city of

Babylon had fallen, the same forces, the old Babylonian

economic system which governs us so absolutely today, the

old Babylonian political ideas, the old Babylonian religion,

are still operative in these days.

������� Before we get to the final part of our study of this,

studying that mark of the beast which is going to be the

final exercise of complete economic control and which we are

feeling being tighten down on us today, there is a little

bit of parenthesis we have to throw in here, to identify

these forces. Our churches have gotten nowhere with this

thing, usually because they persist in mis‑identifying the

peoples and races and forces involved, with the result that

they get a mixed up mess.

������� The Bible doesn't bother recording incidents which were of

no importance after their own day. The Bible goes into those

things which will be of lasting effect, because it was never

intended that any portion of the Bible should be something

good for a matter of a few years and then obsolete and no

longer useful.

������� As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:11:

������ "Now all these things happened unto them for ensembles: and

they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of

the world are come."

������ Therefore the things we find in the Bible are the forces

that are still operating. True, a particular king that it

mentions doing this or that in the Bible long is long since

dead, but his modern day successors are still carrying out

the same policies and still getting the same evil results


������ Therefore Yawhew is giving us a period of time for testing

to see what our own character is and to let us learn by

bitter experience that the evil is not to be monkeyed with.

When we come back in the resurrection and Yawhew says, "Now

don't do this," we are going to understand thoroughly what

He is talking about and we are not going to think that we

are smarter than He is.

������� Probably more damage has been done by well‑meaning people

with good intentions than has been done by all the

scoundrels and criminals in history. The old saying, that

"hell is paved with good intentions," is very true.

Remember, twice in the Book of Proverbs 14:12; 16:25 it says



some well meaning fool decides that he knows more about it

than Yawhew and he is more kind.

���� When our ancestors, the people of Israel were on the march,

and ready to go into Palestine, Yawhew gave us our

instructions very plainly. He said of the people who were in

the land He was telling them to take possession of in effect


������ "You shall destroy them totally; you shall not leave one

man, woman, or child, alive; because, if you do, if you

leave them there, you are going to have integration, your

will grow up with theirs; they will inter‑marry with them,

and you will become as polluted as they are, until finally I

will have to destroy you for the very same reason that I am

telling you to destroy them." (See Deuteronomy 7)

������� Of course our ancestors had to show that they weren't cruel

like Yawhew; they were so kind hearted they wouldn't cut out

the cancer; they just let it grow. And of course the

consequences came to pass that they had been warned about,

and that is the situation that we still have, and probably

will have until the very end we are not going to be smart

enough to recognize the warnings that are in the Bible.

������� Evil cannot exist by itself; it is not a condition; no one

can show a yard of it or a square foot of it or a quart of

it or a pound of it; it consists solely in the evil actions

of evil people. And if they aren't around then you don't

have these evil actions. That is what we haven't been

willing to learn. The Bible is full of these warnings to us,

telling us who the evil ones are, so that we can avoid them

and their works.

������� The theme of the entire Bible is set forth in Genesis 3:15;

Yawhew called Adam and Eve and Satan before Him, to give an

accounting of their misdeeds, and He says to Satan, "I will

put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed

and her seed..." The same Hebrew word "zera" (meaning

laterally "seed," and which applied equally to

"descendants") is used in both cases. Satan was to have just

as literal children as was Eve. So the theme of the Bible is

stated there: that as long as Yawhew permits this

dispensation to run, there would be this constant warfare

between the children of Satan and the children of Eve, and

the rest of the Bible is just a detailed development of that


������� In John 8:31‑44, that Jesus Christ identified these living

children of Satan in His Own day, when He said to them, "Ye

are the children of your father the devil." He was not just

being vulgarly abusive, He was telling them a plain

biological fact, exactly the same as if you said to a

Chinaman, Your ancestors were Mongolians. He told them with

the strictest scientific truth that their ancestor, way, way

back, was Satan ‑ and He was right. He was always right ‑ He

was always Yawhew.

������� Whether you recognize Satan as an actual being, which the

Bible does, or whether you try to explain him away as just a

mere allegorical personification of evil tendencies, you

still can't get away from the fact that evil comes from

those who are his followers, and primarily those who are his

literal children, his descendants; all history teaches the

same lesson.

������� One of the most important most important of the ancient

cities was the city of Tyre: a Palestinian seaport and was a

large trading centers. It lay on the Palestinian coast a

little bit north of where the people of Israel were settled.

������� Its inhabitants were a Semitic race but not Israel,

although there were some Israelites living among them, as

there were some Israelites scattered in various other

cities. It was always friendly to Israel; the Bible never

records any hostility, any warfare between Israel and Tyre.

Remember its King Hiram sent to King Solomon much of the

materials and some of the skilled workmen to build the

temple that Solomon built. But the Bible shows that Tyre

came into this satanic system.

������� The Bible speaks of one of the kings of Tyre, and it

doesn't identify him, it doesn't give his name, and so we

can't say which historical king it was, but it speaks of him

in terms which show unmistakably that he was literally an

incarnation of Satan himself; because this language would

not be appreciable to anyone else.

������� Ezekiel was told:

������ "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of Yawhew; every

precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the

diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire,

the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of

thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day

that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that

covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy

mountain of Yawhew; thou hast walked up and down in the

midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways

from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found

in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have

filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast

sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the

mountain of Yawhew: and I will destroy thee, O covering

cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart

was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy

wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the

ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold

thee." (Ezekiel 28:13‑18, KJV)

������� This would not apply to any mere man, it doesn't fit, he

can't live up to it; it shows that the satanic direction,

there, was really carried on in person at one time. Under

this satanic direction Tyre became one of the great merchant

cities of the ancient world, probably the greatest. We read

to you just now from Ezekiel 28:13‑18.

������� In Rotherham's Emphasized Bible Ezekiel 27 verses 2 and 3

are rendered as follows:

������ "Take up over Tyre a dirge; and thou shalt say unto Tyre, O

thou that dwellest by the entrance of the sea, thou merchant

of the peoples, unto many shores..."

������� It is worth noting, incidentally, that in the Hebrew the

very same word "Kenaan," meant a Canaanite and a merchant;

they were interchangeable; as today they are. Go into the

business district of Los Angeles, for example, and go in

store after store, and see if you don't find them all owned

by people of the same race and all with the same shaped


������� We would remind you here that the Israelites were not Jews;

no Israelite was ever a jew, and no Jew was ever an

Israelite. The confusion has come from using the term

interchangeably, sometimes meaning a person of a particular

race, no matter what his religion. For example, Ben Furion,

who was one of the principal founder of the Jewish nation in

Palestine today, is a Jew by race, but he is a Jew by

religion. And sometimes they use it to speak of the people

of Judaism, no matter what the race.

���� There are, for example today, pure blooded, black skinned,

kinky haired Negroes who have adopted the religion of

Judaism; and there are yellow skinned, slant eyed, pure

blooded Mongolian Chinese who have adopted the religion of

Judaism, and the average person doesn't know which he is

talking about when he uses the term "Jew."

������� But to the extent that it is used in a racial significance,

all the ancient monuments without exception show this: the

people that we call Canaanites, the people that we call

Assyrians, and a large part of the people that we call

Babylonians, were, as shown by their own monuments, typical

hook‑nosed Jews; whereas, no ancient monument that shows any

Israelites shows anything but a typical straight‑nosed

Anglo‑Saxon type of face. So trade was in those days

practically a Jewish monopoly, as it is today, and in those

days it became evil, as it is today. Greed running

uncontrolled always runs to that sort of extreme.

������� Again, going back to the twenty‑eighth chapter of Ezekiel:

������ "With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast

gotten thee riches, and hast gotten gold and silver into thy

treasures: By thy great wisdom and by thy traffic, hast thou

increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because

of thy riches...By the multitude of thy merchandise they

have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast

sinned...Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude

of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffic;

therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee,

it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon

the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee."

������� We are sure you have heard the saying, "the more it changes

the more it is the same" then they rode on a camel, today we

smoke a camel, but, after all, take our great commercial

cities; New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, the outstanding

great commercial cities have been taken over complete by the

Jews; and they are the outstanding centers of criminal

violence also, aren't they?

������� You see, if these things merely happened occasionally for

no particular reason, the Bible would never bother to record

them. It records only those things which are matters of

unchangeable principle, some of them good principles, some

of them evil principles, but the things that we can rely

upon to be operative according to their nature and therefore

either for our good or for our harm, as the case may be. But

these people who monopolized trade in those days were these

Canaanites, these hook‑nosed Jews.

������� For example, Hosea 12:7 says,

������� "He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand:

he loveth to oppress."

������� It says he is a "Kenaan" sure, a merchant or Canaanite; the

terms re interchangeable. "The balances of deceit are in his

hand." Is there any people that for centuries it has been

proverbial that you have to distrust in all your commercial

dealings with them, lest they take advantage of you? Here it

talks about the balances of deceit.

������� In those days coinage was just coming into being and it was

an uncertain thing; but there was a certain amount of gold

coinage, but lest somebody file off some of the gold so that

the coin wasn't worth what it should be, the money was

weighted out the same as the goods were weighed out. The

deceitful merchant had one set of weights to use on his

balance scale when he was buying, and had a different set of

weights to use when he was selling.

��� When he bought from you, his balance scale or his bushel

measure was large; you had to give him more than standard

measure. When he sold to you, his measure was small and you

didn't get your full measure. When you paid for something,

for him the scales on which he weighed the money you

presented had false weights, so you had to present more gold

or silver, to buy it, than true weights would have called

for; and this was characteristic all through there.

������� Go to Zephaniah 1:11:

������ "Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the merchant

people (the Kenaan) are cut down; all they that are laden

with silver are cut off."

������� This race was everywhere throughout western Asia. There are

pictures of pre‑Babylonian Sumarian statues of their own

people, a typical hook‑nosed Jew even rubbing his hands and

undoubtedly saying, "To mine own mother I couldn't sell it

any cheaper."

������� It was into this land, among these people, that our

ancestors were sent to live, and they were warned, "If you

allow these people among you, they are going to corrupt

you." Of course we couldn't' be cruel like this Old

Testament Yawhew, that the Judeo‑Christian ministers like to

denounce today and say "I can't believe in the Old Testament

Yawhew." They seem to thing that it would matter to Him

whether they believed in Him or not. Every time you decide

you are better than Yawhew, you are wrong? When He gave

instructions to cut out the cancer before it became fatal,

He knew what He was doing.

������� The Bible tells us of these things. Yawhew tells us the

troubles we are going to have because we allow these people

among us. And He finally tells us that when we ourselves

have botched this ting up tot he point where He has to come

back and take over personally, to keep us from being

destroyed and exterminated by these forces we have allowed

to grow up and take control, that it is going to be changed

back to what He told us to make it. In Zechariah 14:21 it

says, "...and in that day (speaking of the day when Yawhew

comes back to restore these things) there shall be no more

the Canaaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts." And we

pray that He will speed the day!

������� These same commercial evils became dominant in Assyria too;

and Assyria is spoken of, mostly, because of her great

military exploits, because she was constantly conquering and

pillaging her various neighbors. But that was not all of it;

she had the same typical crookedness that has been

constantly characteristic of those people.

������� In Nahum 3:16 speaking of Assyria, it says, "Thou hast

multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven..." and

he lists that as being among the evils for which the city of

Nineveh, the capital city of Assyria, was going to be

destroyed. In Bible times these people had become the

completely dominant race int he city of Tyre, become the

most power men in the nation. Isaiah 23:8: "Who hath taken

this counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose

merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honorable

of the earth?"

������� If you think that was ancient, note the fact that a large

part of the British nobility today, the peerage with titles

of nobility, are Jewish merchants who became wealthy and

bought and paid for their titles of nobility.

������� The honor of the British Crown has been sold and peddled

like in any house of prostitution, and that is the origin of

a great many of the titles in the British House of Lords.

Here, in American, when we want to appoint an ambassador to

some foreign nation, who is he? Don't you note that usually

he is a Jew who has contributed liberally tot he campaign

funds of the party which is in power. "The more it changes

the more it stays the same."

������� Yawhew wouldn't have bothered telling us about this thing,

to warn us, if this was something that was going only

between 868 and 742 B.C., and not thereafter; it wouldn't

have meant anything. He warns us of these things because

they are reaching a degree of intensity in our own day which

means the literal destruction of civilization if they are

not checked.

������� One will find, of course, in their Bible many places where

Yawhew condemned the city of Babylon for the evils which

were so characteristic of the Babylonian civilization. But

it is very interesting to note that when the Bible

prophesies the fall of the city of Tyre, it does it in the

very same words that it uses in prophesying the fall of

Babylon, including the final fall of Great Babylon, the

Babylonian system, which we believe is in our own day.

������� Fro example, speaking of the city of Tyre (this is Ezekiel

26:13): "And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease;

and the sound of thy harps shall be heard no more." Now

speaking of Great Babylon (and this is in Revelation 18:22):

"And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and

trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee..."

������� Going back to Tyre (Ezekiel 26:21): "I will make thee a

terror, and thou shall be no more: though thou be sought

for, yet shalt thou never be found again, saith the Lord

Yawhew." Now Great Babylon, the destruction of it is

described in our day (Revelation 18:21): "And a mighty angel

took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the

sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city

Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all."

������� The city of Tyre again: Note this parallel all the way, it

is talking about the same thing; in other words just as the

Babylonian empire was the capital city Babylon which was the

head of all these evils, but you had a number of other

surrounding cities which were equally bad and the same

things could be said of them. So you had identically the

same people manifesting the same evils in Tyre on the

Palestinian coast of the Mediterranean Sea and which had to

meet the same judgment.

������� In Ezekiel 27:29‑33:

������ "And all that handle the oar, the mariners, and all the

pilots of the sea, shall come down from their ships, they

shall stand upon the land...and shall cry bitterly, and

shall cast up dust upon their heads, they shall wallow

themselves in the ashes...And in their wailing they shall

take up a lamentation for thee, and lament over thee,

saying; What city is like Tyre, the destroyed in the midst

of the sea? When thy wares went forth out of thee, and thou

didst fill many people; thou didst enrich the kings of the

earth with the multitude of thy riches and of thy

merchandise. In the time when thou shalt be broken by the

seas in the depths of the waters thy merchandise and all thy

company in the midst of thee shall fail."

������� Note the same language referring to Great Babylon in the

Book of Revelation. And remember, Babylon was NOT a seaport,

it was some few hundred miles inland.

������ "And every ship master, and all the company in ships, and

sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and

cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What

city is like unto this great city! And they cast dust on

their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas,

alas that great city wherein were made rich all that had

ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! For in one

hour is she made desolate." (Revelation 18:17‑19)

������ If these people were the same throughout, we should expect

to find something similar in Yawhew's condemnation of

another of their principal settlements, the land of Edom.

������� The Bible tells us that certain of the angels left their

original condition and intermarried with the daughters of

men and produced a race which therefore had the satanic

blood line. They were literally the children of these rebel

angels, including Satan, and among the places where the

Bible tells you their descendants settled was Mount Seir.

������� The Jordan Valley runs north and south; and it is a deep

narrow trench in the ground with mountains to the west,

between it and the sea, and another mountain range to the

east, and it slopes down to the point of the Dead Sea where

the surface of the Dead Sea is some 1,300 feet below sea

level, and the bottom of the Dead Sea is another 1,200 feet

below that. Therefore the ground surface down there, under

the Dead Sea, is 2,500 feet below sea level, of the

Mediterranean or the oceans of the world. Then a

continuation of that same valley, called the Wadi Araba,

extends on south to the Gulf of Aquba.

������� Of course, starting from way down, below sea level the

bottom of it has to rise as it goes southward until it gets

above sea level, and the mountains which bound this Wadi

Araba, on the east are known as Mount Seir. That word "Seir"

means "rugged," and if you have never seen really rugged

mountains, that is what they are; they are well named.

������� Most of you have heard of the ancient city of Petra. At

some time in the far pre‑historic past, a terrific

earthquake shook this Mount Seir and just cracked it open.

������� There is a valley running north‑south; that is right down

the center line of this mountain range. What the earthquake

did was to open a great crack from the easterly side of

these mountains, whereby, instead of climbing up and over

the mountains, you could go through this great crack to get

to the central valley. The walls of this great crack are

sheer cliffs from 400 to 600 feet high. In places a man

could stand there and put his arms out and touch both sides

of it; in other places it widens out as wide as a room.

There never has been any place in the world as great a

natural fortress as that, because there are places where, if

an army of a million men attacked it, they would have to

come through one or two at a time through this natural

crevice. So it has been a fortified place, a city, from time


������� Where this crack goes in, like the stem of a "T" it reaches

this other valley which crosses it like the cross‑bar of a

capital "T" and if you turn to your right, to the north, you

can follow where it opens out into an oval valley perhaps a

mile wise by a mile and three‑quarters long. Now in this

narrow passageway, from the point where the stem and the

cross‑bar of the "T" join, from there on in, you find the

ancient city of Petra.

������ Practically none of its buildings were buildings such as we

have today, built out in the open; they were carved into

these sheer cliff walls; magnificent, beautifully carved. Of

course they could be only one room deep, other than for

storage closets, and because there was no rear or side light

or ventilation. They were just, you might say, artificial

caves in the solid stone and the outside was carved into the

most magnificent structures, with one startling thing about

them: they are two stories in height, and those two stories

range from a minimum of 125 feet to a high of 140 feet. You

may recall that the old height‑limit 13‑story buildings in

the city of Los Angeles were 140 feet in height. So divide

one of those 13‑story buildings into just two stories and

you will see what they were like in Petra. In other words,

the first generation descendants of these fallen angels were

indeed giants.

������� The average doorway in Petra, from the floor to the lintel

across the top, is 30 feet in height, equal to three stories

of our modern construction. The Bible, you remember, was

always so insistent that the people of Yawhew had selected

to be His people should not mongrelize, should not intermix

with the other races, and you remember that Esau violated

that commandment; he married two Canaanite women and later

an Ishmaelite woman. He couldn't stay there then; and his

descendants mongrelized, had no right to inherit, so he

moved out of the land of Canaan where his brother Jacob was

to stay. Esau moved out into Mount Seir which is called the

land of Edom. From then on, there was no one for his

descendants to marry except these Edomite peoples who were

the descendants of this satanic line of people living there.

������� Suppose, for example, that a White Man from the city of

Ontario married two Negresses and then moved to the interior

of the Congo, and for the next 1800 years his descendants

lived there, and there was no one his descendants could

marry except these Congolese Negroes. After the end of 1800

years, one of his descendants could say, "Once I had a White

ancestor." That would be true, but the last trace of White

blood would have vanished from them; they would be in every

respect plain Negroes.

������� In the eighth chapter of the Gospel of John where Christ is

speaking to the Jew (and it says "Jews"), there is no

mistake about it. By the way, if any of you think He was

merely being vulgarly abusive because they disagreed with

Him in argument, well don't; He never was. He denounced them

as hypocrites at times because that is what they were; and

He told them with biological accuracy that they were the

descendants of Satan which they were.

������� But He never said anything about them, that they were not.

So you can hear the ring of sarcasm in His voice. It

mentions, now, that these were Jews who believed in Him. So

He says to them, "If you can continue in my doctrines, then

will you be my disciples indeed; and you shall know the

truth, and the truth will set you free" and as I say, one

can just hear the ring of sarcasm in His voice, because He

knew them. With that one statement Christ had lost them.

������� They bristled up, "What do you mean, set us free? We are

Abraham's seed, and we have never been in bondage to any

man." Now they identified themselves, there, out of their

own mouths. If they belonged to any of the 13 tribes at all,

they had been in bondage the first time in Egypt, hadn't

they? And if they belonged to the 13 tribes they had been in

bondage the second time in Assyria. And if they belonged to

the 2‑tribes of the southerly nation of Judah, they had been

in bondage the second time, in Babylon. But they said, "We

have �never' been in bondage to any man."

������� The only people who could say "Abraham was an ancestor of

ours and we never were in bondage to anyone" were these

Edomite Jews. There is where the satanic blood line had

crept into them, because, from the days of Abraham, it

continued down through Isaac, then to Esau; and there they

started the pollution with mongrelization, picking up the

satanic blood line. So Christ winds up that same passage in

the eighth chapter of John by identifying them, telling them

who their ancestor was: Satan!

����� These mongrelized descendants of Esau became quite a

military power as they grew numerous in Edom. In the

historical books of Chronicles and Kings, of considerable

warfare at times, of the Edomites harassing the southerly

borders of Judah and the Israelite tribes. Saul was told to

do down and exterminate them, and he didn't. He killed a few

of them, he stole their sheep and cattle and came back, and

for that Yawhew told the prophet Samuel to tell him, "I have

deposed you as king and I am going to make a better man than

yourself the king of this nation Israel."

������� When the southerly kingdom of Judah was taken into

captivity for 70 years by Babylon, deported into Babylon,

you remember that nearly all of the people were taken, all

the real tribes of Judah and Benjamin were deported before

this time by the Assyrians. Those Canaanites who had been

left in the land when the Israelites conquered and failed to

exterminate them, the Babylonians left behind, and they were

but a very few, relatively speaking.

������� So during the 70 years that the land was left partly

vacant, the Edomites were displaced from their position in

Mount Seir by a great invasion by an Arabian people, the

Nabateans, and the Edomites were finally driven out

westwardly. They couldn't go southwest, much, because they

would be getting into the borders of Egypt, and Egypt was

much too big and powerful for them to tackle at that time.

So they kept north of the borders of Egypt and they took

over the southerly half, approximately, of what had been the

old kingdom of Judah.

������� When this little handful of people came back, after the

Babylonian captivity, 42,600 people (of which slightly over

8,000 were not of any of the tribes of Israel at all, as the

books of Ezra and Nehemiah show you). There were 34,000

people who could trace their ancestry to Judah, Benjamin, or

Levi; that's all. They were not numerous enough to displace

these Edomite invaders, so all they could do was move to the


������ Originally the tribe of Judah was to the south, the tribe

of Benjamin to the north, and the capital city of Jerusalem

lay right on the border line between them. Then north of

Benjamin was the old 10‑tribed kingdom of Israel.

������� The Bible records that when the kingdom of Israel was taken

into captivity by Assyria, the Assyrians brought other

people from near Assyria and settled them in Samaria. If you

take the territory occupied by the original tribes, the

southerly third made up of the kingdom of Judah, the middle

third was the southerly half of the northern kingdom of

Israel (and the middle half because Samaria) and the

northerly third of this total territory came to be known as


������� The Bible also says the Assyrians brought other people and

settled them in Samaria (and left Galilee vacant). So when

the people returning from Babylon tried to sort themselves

out, the people of Judah took the southerly part, and all

they had left, really, was a portion of the old territory of

Judah plus all the territory of Benjamin, and they pushed

the Benjamites northward. But Benjamin couldn't move over a

little, because that was Samaria and fully occupied by other

people. So the people of Benjamin had to leap‑frog over,

clear into the vacant territory of Galilee, and that is

where the Benjamites settled. Of course you remember that

nearly all the followers of Christ came from Galilee. Of all

His 12 disciples, 11 of them were Galileans; only one, the

traitor Judas Iscariot, was a Jew.

������� There is no such word in any language known to man as

"Iscariot," it is a garbling, in trying to transliterate

into Greek, of the Hebrew word "ish Kerioth," man of

Kerioth. And Kerioth is a little village in the

southwesterly portion of the old territory of the kingdom of

Judah, well within the area taken over by these Edomite


�Then these Edomite Jews, under Herod,

conquered and took over the remainder of the

territory of the kingdom of Judah, and Herod was

confirmed by the Romans in 37 B.C., as king of

Judea. So he brought in with him his army, he

brought in with him all his hanger‑on, he completely

took over the civil government, and he took over the


�The Levites and Aaronic priesthood were

displaced; and he murdered the last high priest, the

man rightfully entitled to it as a descendant of

Aaron. He put into the high priesthood a succession

of worthless scoundrels of his own followers. You

see, the high priesthood was hereditary and for life,

and the Bible, speaking of one of these high priests,

sarcastically comments: �He was high priest that

year.� In fact, one of them served something like four

and one‑half months, before he was removed from

office and replaced by a lower type scoundrel than


�These Edomite Jews who were the same hook‑

nosed Canaanite people with the satanic blood line

which Christ identified in the eighth chapter of the

Gospel of John. Now if this is the same thread

running through all of these things, Babylon is one

manifestation of it, and we should find something

said about Edom, shouldn�t we? We do.

�Let us not the parallel between Yawhew�s

judgment on Edom and His judgment on Babylon. In

the forty‑ninth chapter of Jeremiah He is telling you

about His judgment on Edom, in the fiftieth chapter

He is tell you of His judgment on Babylon. So

Jeremiah 49, verses 18 and 19, says: �As in the

overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the

neighbor cities thereof, saith the Lord, no man shall

abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it.

�Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the

swelling of Jordan against the habitation of the

strong; but I will suddenly make him run away from

her: and who is a chosen man, that I may appoint

over her? For who is like me? And who will appoint

me the time? And who is that shepherd that will

stand before me?� Yawhew is speaking of Edom


�In the next chapter where He is speaking of

Babylon: �As Yawhew overthrew Sodom and

Gomorrah and the neighbor cities thereof, saith the

Lord; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any

son of man dwell therein. Behold, a people shall

come from the north, and a great nation, and many

kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the

earth...The king of Babylon hath heard the report of

them, and his hands waxed feeble: anguish took hold

of him, and pangs as of a woman in travail. Behold,

he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of

Jordan unto the habitation of the strong: but I will

make them suddenly run away from her: and who is

a chosen man, that I may appoint over here? for who

is like me? And who will appoint me the time? And

who is that shepherd that will stand before me?�

�Now lets go back to Edom again, this judgment:

�Therefore hear the counsel of the Lord, that he hath

taken against Edom; and his purposes, that he hath

purposed against the inhabitants of Teman: Surely

the least of the flock shall draw them out: surely he

will make their habitations desolate with them. The

earth is moved at the noise of their fall, at the cry the

noise thereof was heard in the Red Sea.�

�Going to chapter 50, speaking of Babylon,

beginning with verse 45: �Therefore hear ye the

counsel of the Lord, that he hath taken against

Babylon; and his purposes, that he hath purposed

against the land of the Chaldeans: Surely the least of

the flock shall draw them out: surely he shall make

their habitation desolate with them. At the noise of

the taking of Babylon the earth is moved, and the cry

is heard among the nations.�

��� So you can see that this is talking about the same thing in

every instance: the final destruction of this evil system

which, through the same people, manifested itself in the

same way, over all of western Asia int he ancient world, and

which manifests itself in the same way over all of western

civilization in our own day, and which can only be destroyed

by the power of Yawhew, because we have abdicated the power

that Yawhew gave us. We have put this thing in positions of

power over us, in the last days before the final destruction

of the Babylonian system which Yawhew prophesies in the Book

of Revelation. In other words, it is talking about the same

thing all the way though.

������� Now notice again, the principal blame is placed upon these

"Kenaan," these Canaanite Jew Merchants, for the evils of

Babylon. Here in the Book of Revelation, chapter 18, it

says: "And after these things I saw another angel come down

form heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened

with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice,

saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen..." Note that

repetition ‑ not just the one fall of the ancient city.

������� Sure, that has been nothing but a heap of mud out there in

the desert for 2,000 years, but it refers to the second fall

also. "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become

the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit,

and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all

nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her

fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed

fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are

waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies..."

����� ��Yawhew never condemned any man for becoming well‑to‑do, out

of any kind of honest effort; in other words, wealth gained

honestly is never condemned anywhere in the Bible. And when

He is condemning these rich merchants, it is because of the

way they got their wealth, the way that, through all these

centuries, has been so characteristic of them, that you

won't find a race or a nation anywhere in the western world

that doesn't have the same axioms and sayings about anybody

who is fool enough to deal with a Jew. As they say, "When

you deal with a Jew you are just paying your fool's tax."

������ "...And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out

of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins,

and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have

reached unto heaven, and Yawhew hath remembered her

iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double

unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she

has filled fill to her double."

������� Remember your Israel law as given by Yawhew. What was the

penalty for theft? Not a $25.00 find, suspended jail time.

The penalty was, you gave back a minimum of at least twice

the value of what you stole. If you stole $100.00, you had

to give back $200.00 ‑ and that took all the fun out of it;

it wasn't profitable any more.

������� So here is the law of Yawhew: For the way the Babylonian

system and its people have become wealthy by cheating you,

give to them double punishment. Now it goes on speaking of

this last fall of great Babylon: "And the merchants (Note

this now)...the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn

over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more." Now

lets see if we can identify these merchants. "The

merchandise of gold and silver, and precious stones, and of

pearls..." Who are your jewelers today? Do you know any

Irish jewelers? "...and fine linen, and purple, and silk,

and scarlet..." What about the clothing manufacturer? Yes,

once in a while you find a little retail store where you can

go buy a shirt, or something of that sort, that is not run

by them. But who are the manufacturers from whom he has to

buy his stock‑in‑trade? Hart Schaffner and Marx?

�...and all aromatic wood, and all manner vessels

of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious

wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble...� The big

department stores ‑ right: alright, who owns them?

You know the answer just as well as we do. �...And

cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and

frankincense...� What about the drug business? Find

me just one big drug manufacturing firm, today, that

is not Jewish owned or Jewish controlled. The big

drug chains, all of them. �, and oil, and fine

flour, and wheat, and beast and sheep...�

�Alright, what about the wholesale food stores?

Yes, you can find a little corner grocery store some

place, run by White people, but find who it is that

owns the big wholesale stores that he has to buy

from. Yes, they have their strangle hold on that also,

and that is why the prices continue to ruse and rise.

there is the so‑called �Kosher� tax applied on most

of the foodstuffs today by the Jewish Rabbis, either

Orthodox or some other Jewish group, where the

rabbi says his hocus pocus and gets thousands of

dollars from the food companies; you can see this so‑

called �Kosher� stamp on the packaging it is either a

circle with a K or a U and nowadays there are some

shapes such as a triangle with a K or U inside it.

��...and slaves, and souls of men.� So these are

the merchants. �...The merchants of these things,

which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for

the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing.� Now

notice, early in this thing He says, �...the merchants

of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no

man buys their merchandise any more.� Now we are

beginning to get pretty close to that, because they

are not leaving us anything to buy with.

�Talk to any economist today, who has kept up

with what is really going on, and he will tell you that

we are being set up just exactly as we were in 1929,

for just the same kind of a crash we had in 1929, only

on a much larger scale. First they stole all of our

gold; if you are a White man you can own only a

small amount, but if you are a Jewish Banker you

can have it in unlimited quantity, and especially you

can get it from the U.S. Treasury if you are going to

send it abroad, over to Palestine or over to Russia or

one of the other bottomless holes of the world.

�Now they have taken our silver from us; the slugs

that �uncle� is minting with a copper‑nickel alloy on

the face of it to make it look like a quarter, actually it

is worth less intrinsically, for the metal in it, than the

five‑cent piece which at least is copper‑nickel alloy

all the way through. So what we now have are things

that are slugs of substantially no intrinsic value.

�Our paper money they have also made of no

intrinsic value. What kind of paper money can you

get today? Look at it, any denomination you may

have, it is a Federal Reserve Bank �NOTE.� When

you go to the bank and borrow money, you sign a

promissory note promising to pay to them, on a

certain date, so much money.

�But the Federal Reserve note is an I.O.U. from a

purely private banking institution, in spite of the

false use of that �federal� name. Yes, you can buy

Federal tires but the U.S. Government has no in the

manufacture of them. You can buy Federal

cartridges and it is a privately owned manufacturing

company. And the Federal Reserve Bank is a private

banking institution. So the only money left now is

their I.O.U., and they can tell you at any time, �Well,

I�m sorry, we don�t have any real money to redeem

this with.�

��� Right now, you take one of their Federal Reserve notes to

any bank or to a Federal Reserve regional banking

headquarters itself, and what can you get for it? You can't

get anything for it except another I.O.U., even from the

Federal Reserve Bank. And any time they laugh openly in your

face and say, "Well, it is a pretty piece of engraved paper,

it cost us 3 cents per $1,000.00 to get the printing done on

it," what are you going to do with it? What is it worth?

What is going to happen? You are dead broke. They have a

mortgage on about everything you own.

������� How many of you own your home, free and clear, without a

mortgage or trust deed on it? And how many of you have your

automobile fully paid for? We can remember once seeing an

old battered up jalopy on the street, but the owner had

chalked on the side of it, "Laugh if you want to, but this

one is paid for." Anytime, they can say, "Well, what are you

going to use for money?"

������ Everything you think you own, they own, and they can take

it away from you. They did a pretty good job of that, back

in 1929, but not quite good enough to totally destroy this

nation. So they have studied it and seen where the weak

spots of their plan were, and they have corrected those this

time. But you know, evil has a way of outsmarting itself.

One day they will laugh in your face and say, "Alright, what

is that paper good for? Are you going to buy something? What

are you going to pay for it with?"

������ "...The merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn...for

no man buys their merchandise any more." They got so clever

in taking all your money away from you, that at this time

you will have anything to buy with. And when it reaches that

point, the American people are not going to sit down and

quietly watch their wives and children starve to death.

������� They aren't going to buy the merchandise, but they are

going to get it no matter what it takes. And there is where

this people who, through the centuries have profited by

their crookedness and their scheming, are going to find they

have outsmarted themselves. They have made their tricks so

clever that it has backfired on them.

������� Do you want a little further confirmation of this? Remember

the strange beast that rose up out of the sea, the beast

that had the combined characteristics of all four of the

strange beasts that Daniel saw, remember, all of those

ancient empires were governed by this same satanic people

with their same satanic principles, and they are still here

doing business at the old stand and in the same way.

������� If you want a little more identification, let us go right

on down in this same eighteenth chapter of Revelation: "And

a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and

cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence..."

Remember we said the American people are not going to starve

when they spring the trap on us. "Thus with violence shall

that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found

no more at all."

������� This is not talking about the fall the ancient city Babylon

on the Euphrates river, because all that has happened many

centuries before John was told to write these things down.

This was talking about the far distant future, many hundreds

of years after John was writing this down, talking about our

own day, and it is still talking about that great city

Babylon; in other words, the Babylonian governmental system.

������� It goes on to give the reasons: "...for thy merchants were

the great men of the earth; for by thy sorcies were all

nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of

prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the


����� It is fashionable in most Judeo‑Christian churches to try

to blame everything upon the Catholic Church, and it is very

true that the Catholic Church has a number of false

doctrines, and it is very true that the Catholic Church in

past centuries has murdered a great many innocent people;

that is very true. But if you are going to blame Noah's

flood on the Catholic Church, just in order to show that you

don't like it, you are not using true Bible interpretation,

because, remember that the Catholic Church didn't come into

existence until a good three centuries after John wrote this


������� All the innocent blood shed in the earth, and the prophets

of the Old Testament, were they all murdered by the Catholic

Church? Of course not. They had been dead may, many

centuries before there was a Catholic Church. "...and of all

that were slain upon the earth..." The Catholic Church has

been corrupted by these same people and used as a part of

their same scheme, exactly as in our own day they have

corrupted the Judeo‑Christian churches. In the same manner,

and it is all merely a portion of the same plan.

������� Let us see if we can trace this same thing, " her was

found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that

were slain upon the earth." Let's take the words of Christ

Himself, out of the twenty‑third chapter of Matthew, verses

29 to 36: "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees,

hypocrites..." Who was He talking to? He was talking to the

Jews, wasn't He? "...because ye build the tombs of the

prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous, and

say, if we had been in the days of our fathers, WE WOULD NOT


Wherefore ye (Jews) be witnesses unto yourselves, THAT YE


was guilty? Of course The Jews. "...Fill ye up then the

measure of your fathers..."

������� Here you get into some of the miserable mistranslation of

your King James version of the Bible. "...Ye serpents, ye

generation of vipers..." it reads, and that is entirely a

mistranslation. In the original Greek from which this was

translated, it is not talking about a particular generation

of people; the Greek word is "gennema" which means progeny,

children, descendants. "...Ye serpents, ye children of

vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Wherefore,

behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes:

and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them

ye shall scourge in your synagogues..." Any question about

the identification here?

������ "...and persecute from city to city; That upon you..." The

same people that He is talking to now, this same "gennema,"

children of vipers: "...That upon you may come all the

righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of

righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias...whom ye slew

between the temple and the altar. Verily, I say unto you,

All these things shall come upon this generation(Strong's

1074)..." Again you have a mistranslation, because here the

word is "genea," derived from genos, which is the foundation

of this word the Jew would like to coin, "genocide" it means

a race or nation (Strong's 1074). "...All these things shall

come upon this race or nation." So this can ONLY be the Jews

who are referred to also, in Revelation 18 verse 24.

������� All of this thin cannot be the Catholic Church is plain;

the Catholic Church is not a mercantile organization running

stores, it doesn't have a merchant navy of ships

transporting goods. But the people who have had this

commercial, financial power, all through the centuries, are

the same ones the Bible is talking about from beginning to

end. So the fall of this evil satanic conspiracy must come

with violence as it says in Revelation 18:21. Now by whom

are they brought down with violence?

������ The Bible raises no questions that it does not answer, and

the correct answer to it will always be found only in the

Bible. So turn to Ezekiel 25:13‑14. Remember now, one of

their ancient headquarters from which the entirety of their

control in our Savior's time came, was Edom. "Therefore thus

saith the Lord Yawhew; I will also stretch out mine hand

upon Edom, and will cut off man and beast from it; and I

will make it desolate from Teman; and they of Dedan shall

fall by the sword. And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by

the hand of my people Israel: and they shall do in Edom

according to mine anger and according to my fury..."

������� This has NEVER happened in all of the past history of the

world. That is not talking about something which is yet to

come; and we know of course, and have proven many times

over, that the so‑called Anglo‑Saxon, Germanic,

Scandinavian, Celtic and kindred peoples of today are the

actual, literal, traceable, blood descendants of the Israel

of the Bible. And Yawhew said, "By my people Israel, I will

lay my vengeance upon Edom." In the Book of Revelation,

Christ told John, "This evil Babylonian system will be

overthrown with violence."

������� Remember what we said: The American people are not going to

sit down and starve to death, quietly, when the trap is

sprung on them. Turn to Psalm 149:5‑9: "Let the saints be

joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds..." Who

are the saints? Is it somebody who has been canonized by the

Catholic Church for some such deed of piety as St. Simeon

Stylites who spent some 20 years flagpole sitting up on top

of a pillar, never once coming down to take a bath? No

������� We find in Psalm 148:14, the statement of who all of

Yawhew's saints are, not some of them, not part of them, but

all of them: "He also exalteth the horn of his people, the

praise of ALL HIS SAINTS; even of the children of Israel, a

people near unto him. Praise ye the Lord." Amen, we say.

������� Psalm 149, the next one after that says, "Let the saints be

joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let

the high praises of Yawhew be in their mouth, and a

two‑edged sword in their hand; to execute vengeance upon the

heathen, and punishments upon the people; To bind their

kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; To

execute upon them the judgment written: this honor have all

his saints."

������� Because the Book of Revelation is symbolic throughout, and

the only way you can get the true meaning of it is by

finding the true meaning of the symbols used. A lot of

people have gotten all mixed up and they have given you some

surprisingly stupid attempts to unravel the Book of

Revelation, because they will not turn to the one and only

place from which one can derive a correct statement of what

the symbols mean, and that is the Bible.

������� They will theorize something which will fit the doctrines

of a particular Judeo‑Christian church, for example, and

they will never look it up in the Bible to see whether it is

correct. But they will all agree that we have gotten so far

along in the events that are symbolically portrayed in the

Book of Revelation that nothing remains to be done, now,

except this great final judgment which is the cataclysmic

end of this age, and this is exactly what this has been

talking about.

������� It identifies the things and the peoples to be judged, it

tells how the judgment is coming and who is going to do it.

And if you are going to have the honor to be the servant of

Yawhew in carrying out some of this judgment, you shouldn't

go around sniffling and saying, "Isn't it awful." YOU SHOULD


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